Friday, April 23, 2010

Women At 50 With Big Boobs


The shape forming, and shaping the form, and it is formed, form and shape to be formed.
Paulo Freire. (A pleasure to read).

Monday, April 5, 2010

Mera Naam Joker Simi Scene


young boy that flash with the ants, the stare at me when they make these paths in the grass, and are seen to pass with pieces of paper, sometimes in various colors. Enter through holes in the ground to a city underground, I think most incredible that there can be, I always ask if I have that way of life because someone forces or do so by mutual agreement. Habra
any dictatorial government or ruling caste that forces them to work in an organized manner? In honeybees are the queen, drones and workers, but the ants do not know much. Are Peronist.