Friday, December 31, 2010

Instrutions To Masterbate

One year we left behind and tooooodo one year to discover ...
I want and I hope it's wonderful

this is me (in my small) and I wish you a ...
Happy 2011 Dear Friends, @ s @ s

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Lewis Structures Of Clf2

My wish for Christmas ... Doll

I wish with all my heart that you spend a very very sweet feasts
and even a topic ...

Health, Love, Peace and Happiness
for everyone s because that is what really needed

strong veeeeery kiss!

Take my Christmas greetings to your blog with my best wishes

Monday, December 13, 2010

Muslim Walima Wording Invitations

This weekend we went to meet the new baby of a friend, seeing a baby around, having it in your arms, hold her hand ... causes me lots of feelings of tenderness, I remember when mine were like that ... and why not say ... :-) envy ... because I love babies!

and I am convinced that there is no better gift than that which is done with bare hands, because it is from the heart ...

hope you liked the doll squishy Eva
of course ... color is pink


Saturday, December 11, 2010

What P90x Dvd Do I Watch First

squishy black color is ... Bold

the wool and stone

two poles ... that attract
because the stone is cold ...
because wool is warm . ..

and color BLACK ...
because black is very appealing ... and it's timeless ...
as stone
I wish you a great weekend

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

How To Writing A Letter Of Completion

The brooch pin hair

Still experimenting ... and looking BROOCHES different ...
's the beauty of the "prototypes"
ja ja ja ja ja

the face is colored with black wool and hair

esta última foto la he hecho para que veáis el tamaño, es un broche bastante grande ... 
aunque yo tengo la mano pequeñita!

besos y feliz miércoles!

P.D. Hoy es 1 de diciembre, me entanta el mes de la NAVIDAD!!!!