Monday, February 28, 2011

Tip Of Big Toenail Hurting

Let's start the week with a bit of poetry .. Pablo Neruda ..

prohibited mourn without learning,

wake up one day not knowing what to do,

be afraid of your memories.

is forbidden not to smile at problems,

not fight for what you want, leave everything


not make your dreams come true.

forbidden not show your love,

make someone pay your debts and bad humor.

is forbidden to leave your friends,

not try to understand what they lived together,

call them only when you need them.

is prohibited unless you before people,

pretending to people you do not care,

make funny just to remind you,

forget all the people who love you.

is forbidden not to do things for yourself,

not believe in God and to your destination,

be afraid of life and its commitments,

not live each day like a last breath.

is forbidden to take someone without

cheering, to forget her eyes, her laughter,

just because your paths have stopped hugging,

forget his past and his present pay.

forbidden not try to understand people,

think that their lives are worth more than yours,

not know that everyone has their own way and his happiness.

forbidden not create your history,

not have a moment for people who need you,

not understand what life gives you, it takes it away.

forbidden not find your happiness,

not live your life with a positive attitude,

not think we can be better,

not feel that without you this world would not be beaten.

Pablo Neruda

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Progesterone Capsules Usage Vidio


Thanks girls for all the love I have sent on this day that Easter fell asleep .. has given me very sad .. and as I said Lucy made a augurito in my heart ... but full of love for these months which allowed me to take care of the ...
Nothing in life is casual and He came to me in a very special moment .. where I felt invisible to everyone .. no one visits my blogs ... I felt nobody cared Achaean my stuff .. step I've given stuff made by me and saw it not published on the blogs ... people here in my country I had left out of the meeting foxglove .. and those little things ... made me feel invisible and unloved but He came to me and was a shot love .. commitment to life .. made me feel needed ... I learned so much from him ... I learned so much from people and I remembered the words my grandmother .. "People know you not by your words or letters but by how you act ... Thanks Grandma for your teaching .. Thanks Dad for support me from where you are with your broad shoulders and Pascual

a light in the darkness I felt at that moment .. I am full of strength is that there are more beautiful than to give love and if a cat hurt me ragged and full of love and allowed me to flip over in the love and care For that I thank God and light Pascual lit my way taught me to give light to others .. and try to be always on .. as always someone we may need .... Thanks to all who are ... in my life .. .. thanks to family affection

Friday, February 25, 2011

Connect Sanyo Pro-700 To Pc

Today I'm showing that I hope will be recent caps warm season, this time, I have made black and the wing short, very French style, for my taste, super nice and very flattering, also have matching necklace!

what I do not understand, is why the pictures of the black things out so so so ugly, someone please explain it to me!, Because ...

've done pictures inside ...
and abroad ...
and no way,

... until I've taken to the beach, but not so cold, but wanted to try ...

and truth is that if ... on the beach you see things differently ...
Hmmmmmmm, rest here a while, to enjoy, to disconnect ...

and disconnected so that I almost forgot
ja ja ja ja ja ja

wish you a great weekend

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Myamme's Salon Prices

It is less for March ...

Vale ... do not worry, I'm alive, but I'm trying to go unnoticed ...
because the month of February and I do not get anything right,

... and my brain is so ...

waiting for spring ...

because ... I need to leave the SOL

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Fibroid Andfibromyalgia

A gift with heart ...

and on the words ...
because to make a gift need not be a special day. ..
the gifts make them special day,
and needless to say any more ...

bla bla bla

bla bla

and blah

and more blah blah ...

re-than-you-blah ...

... and much love

Kisses for all

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Toure Kunda Mediafire

Now we are one in the family ...

have a small home !!!!!
and this is its debut ...
(it's a buzzard, or mouse Prague Ratter)

... is lively, playful, very good and very veeeeery SMALL ...

I've always loved animals, in my house, we had small dogs, cats and even a monkey ... (Do not ask me .... ha ha ha ha), and made While I wanted to have a dog because I love, and he did not want my kids to be lost the experience of sharing a love and adventure ... and is a joy to see how we care for and play with him.

A dream fulfilled , thank you very much Alfredo!

Kisses for everyone and that you have a happy day!