Thursday, November 5, 2009

My Wedding Invitation To Friends

I do not know what to do me. Self-criticism

forced've had to go to Mass,
and played on the piano "Für Elise"
have learned to distort my smile,
and walked around the ledge.

place I changed my bed, I did
comedy, drama
I was concrete and I went around the bush,
and I did good and I had a bad reputation.

ethical and I was already erratic
and I was skeptical and I became a fan
apathetic and was methodical, and I was chaste
was chaotic.

already read Arthur Conan Doyle, and I spent
naphtha to gasoil and read
to Breton and Molière,
and slept on mattresses and box spring.

already changed my hair color,
and I was against and in favor
what gave me pleasure now gives me pain, and I
across the counter.

And I hear a voice say, without reason,
you always changing as more
not change and I am more and more alike,
I do not know what to do with me. Already

I drowned in a glass of water, and planted coffee

Nicaragua and I went to try their luck in USA,
've played Russian roulette.

already believed in the Martians, and went
ovo-lacto vegetarian, I was still healthy and I
tranqui and I was already to hand.

I took a course in mythology
but I laughed
gods saved her silverware scraping, rhythmology
and here I am applying.

already tried it, and smoked, and took,
've quit, I signed, as I traveled,
and hit, and suffered, and evaded,
and fled, as I assumed, since I left,
and turned around, and pretended, and I lied.

And among the many falsehoods,
many of my lies and truths are easy
did adversity, and I
complicated in the minutiae.

And I hear a voice saying to you is always changing because
do not change more
and I am increasingly
as I do not know what to do with me.

I already did a facelift,
I got a piercing, I went to
Dream Team and there was me feeling
Che tattooed on one buttock, above
mom to not leave. Already

I laughed and I could care less,
of things and people that scare me now
fasted for reasons to fart, and I
enticed by spiedo chicken. It was

psychologist, was the theologian,
went to an astrologer, I
winemaker and I was an alcoholic and lambeta,
and I was anonymous and diet.

threw stones and spat already,
the place where I now work
and my file has the piece,
that I behaved well and I built mess.

And I hear a voice that says no reason
you always changing as more
not change and I'm getting more like
I do not know what to do with me. We

Quartet (Rare)


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