Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Smartst Software Navman

In the shop.

Today, we continue to talk about clothes. I propose to look a little video, called "You are going, take it!".


Traduce las frases :

you are going.
decided to take, then take.
went to the cashier.
Come to us yet.
Pouverenney with them have .

Busca en el diálogo los equivalentes rusos:

Tu estilo.
¡No lo pienses más!
Es muy caro.
Vivimos una vez.
Muchas gracias por la compra.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Exercise For Bursitis Of The Hip


Good evening, friends! How are you doing?
Today I decided to raise ( tocar ) entitled "Clothing".

Let's see how we can say this phrase in Russian:
Viewed blue jeans and white shirt.

1. Personal pronoun + в + prepositional
Я в синих jeans and white shirt .

2. On + prepositivo del pronombre personal + nominativo
On me blue jeans and white shirt.


Example: her white dress. She in a white dress.

1. He wore a black suit and white shirt.
2. Her long green skirt.
3. On my new white shirt.
4. On your brown jacket.
5. Her pink blouse.
6. It fashionable red T-shirt.
7. On my new tracksuit.


Hello, Maria!
I arrive in Moscow next ......................... at 14.00 hours. I ask you to meet me, because I still do not speak in Russian. At the moment I have no ..........................., so I'll write what I look like.

I 32 ............ I short the young man. I ..................... eyes and ....................... hair. I'll be in the orange shirt beige trousers, brown boots and .................... in his hand.

Using Yaz For Emergency Contraceptive

Solntse and Luna.

Good evening!
Today we have the text "The Sun and the Moon", audio and exercises to the text.

sun and the moon for a long time arguing. Sun said that the leaves on the the trees are green.
- No, - said the moon - they are silver. People on Earth all the time ........................ (Sleep).
A Sun replied: "No people on earth all the time ............................ (Move).
- But then why on earth is always quiet? - Asked Luna.
- Who told you that? - Surprise the sun. - The Earth is always
They continued to argue.
- I do not ...................... (Able to) understand why you see green leaves, and I'm silver, - said Moon.
this conversation, I heard wind.
- What are you ................ (Argue)? I see the earth and day and night. In the afternoon, when .................. (Shine) The sun, the people working on the Earth noisy. A night when the moon shines on the earth gently and people are sleeping.
Luna wanted to see what people do on Earth Day. She re-
sewed to appear earlier, when the sky is still the sun shines. Now she knows What Earth Day. But the sun can see the Earth at night.
When the sun comes out, ........................... (Start) date.

I . Ответьте на вопросы.

1. Почему Солнце сказало, that the leaves on the trees green?
2. Why Luna said that the leaves of silver?
3. Why Luna said that the Earth is always quiet?
4. Why the Sun disagreed with the moon and said that on Earth
always noisy?
5. Who heard the argument of the Sun and the Moon?
6. Wind said that the Sun and the Moon?
7. What's wanted Moon?
8. That she decided to do?

II . What do you think who is right: the sun, moon or wind, and why?

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Position Cervix Menstruation

The result?

never too late if that is good ...
Draw Results

The winning number of the ONCE lottery on Saturday 30 April was
buaaaaaaa ...!!!

do I do now, is the question that I've done since Saturday, let's see ... you were 15 that you have scored the draw, and I have not found a way that suits the listing number:
  1. Susana
  2. Angela
  3. Diiviinaa Loocuuraa
  4. casitadefieltromont
  5. NubeDePegatiinA
  6. Women invisible
  7. troy
  8. El Recreo
  9. fisiwoman
  10. No No Felt
  11. M ª Carmen,
  12. Maba
  13. Be
  14. The Atelier de Cris
  15. Asun

So, as on previous occasions, I decided to use the

And number 2 is ... Angela

congratulate the winner and thank you very much to all for participating!

do you want to give you good news? Today is Friday