Tuesday, December 22, 2009

How To Get Rid Of Wart On Eyelid

to mourn the church.

complaints, this blog looks like a book of complaints and I am the unhappy customer and supplier at a time.

Monday, December 21, 2009

How Far In Advance Can You Make Soda Bread

For more of the same and less of the same.

When I hear that shit on the radio propaganda, that it speaks of verbal violence, I remember some things.
I can not blame my parents, I miss my old man had to eat a childhood in war and would be ashamed of the weaknesses that plague today's youth.
What I have forgiven but still fucking is when my mom called me "stupid bastard" or "underfunded" or "useless" or "reckless." But there will be no been easy to raise a side of angel with behavior problems like me, that even in jail he had to see me back in 2001. And one day
soothes me, I got tired of bitching and blaming, even to myself.
Now I'm in the inertia that makes me slip problems, go ahead and that every obstacle to overcome is something interesting and not a final shot to my pride.
Sorry about the last paragraph, beaten if any. Beaten like me or you.
Anyway, wherever.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Best Victoria Secret Bra Small Chest

The worst subject.

do not know if I believe in God, but sometimes my anger I sense that there is divine power, deny, and then acknowledge that there are things that do not handle us.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Online Annealing Temp Calculation

life, health and freedom.

In one of those nights which one has trouble socializing, whether natural or created stupefaction, I shouted in his ear: "Stop whining internally."
problems include not having health or freedom.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Bination Vcr/multi Region Dvd Players

not fucking know.

Shit, are several times that threatens to improve the thing, but the reality is that I'm getting more for myself.
No sorry, nothing more I deal with my reality.
I am a boy whom you are the sweet, let it try, and when you decide that you like, take it away. The only good thing is that the candy tested are the good memories. The other day I spoke with a person who hugs trees, said that energy out of there and he met a case of someone who served both the energy of a tree, it dried. For a moment I was afraid to be applying the same theory with people.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Renewing Bc Drivers License

Sunday irrelevance. Extra-Extra

always been a nine odd-looking, tall stooped and slow, capable of the greatest stupidity or the play of the game.
never breathed well and their physical condition was not the best, but when I got oxygen to the brain was able to build interesting things.
hurts, with a little more discipline would come.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Running Cost For Laserprinter

you came, the sky does not exist.

this this, I need something that moves me the blood and not me rot.
I'm going to go looking for trouble, is what makes everything to be funny.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Pain In Back Radiating To Groin

to give gas.

To see that cloud of farts I like more, so buy it and settle there for the remainder of this year so strange.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

My Wedding Invitation To Friends

I do not know what to do me. Self-criticism

forced've had to go to Mass,
and played on the piano "Für Elise"
have learned to distort my smile,
and walked around the ledge.

place I changed my bed, I did
comedy, drama
I was concrete and I went around the bush,
and I did good and I had a bad reputation.

ethical and I was already erratic
and I was skeptical and I became a fan
apathetic and was methodical, and I was chaste
was chaotic.

already read Arthur Conan Doyle, and I spent
naphtha to gasoil and read
to Breton and Molière,
and slept on mattresses and box spring.

already changed my hair color,
and I was against and in favor
what gave me pleasure now gives me pain, and I
across the counter.

And I hear a voice say, without reason,
you always changing as more
not change and I am more and more alike,
I do not know what to do with me. Already

I drowned in a glass of water, and planted coffee

Nicaragua and I went to try their luck in USA,
've played Russian roulette.

already believed in the Martians, and went
ovo-lacto vegetarian, I was still healthy and I
tranqui and I was already to hand.

I took a course in mythology
but I laughed
gods saved her silverware scraping, rhythmology
and here I am applying.

already tried it, and smoked, and took,
've quit, I signed, as I traveled,
and hit, and suffered, and evaded,
and fled, as I assumed, since I left,
and turned around, and pretended, and I lied.

And among the many falsehoods,
many of my lies and truths are easy
did adversity, and I
complicated in the minutiae.

And I hear a voice saying to you is always changing because
do not change more
and I am increasingly
as I do not know what to do with me.

I already did a facelift,
I got a piercing, I went to
Dream Team and there was me feeling
Che tattooed on one buttock, above
mom to not leave. Already

I laughed and I could care less,
of things and people that scare me now
fasted for reasons to fart, and I
enticed by spiedo chicken. It was

psychologist, was the theologian,
went to an astrologer, I
winemaker and I was an alcoholic and lambeta,
and I was anonymous and diet.

threw stones and spat already,
the place where I now work
and my file has the piece,
that I behaved well and I built mess.

And I hear a voice that says no reason
you always changing as more
not change and I'm getting more like
I do not know what to do with me. We

Quartet (Rare)

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Uncensored Learn Instruction Brazilian Wax

underhanded, nothing new.

took his bottle Sherlock Holmes angle mantelpiece and his hypodermic syringe from his fine morocco case. Inserted with their long fingers, white, nervous, the delicate needle, and rolled up his left cuff of his shirt. His eyes rested thoughtfully for brief moments the muscle of the forearm and wrist, covered both dots and scars of countless punctures. Finally, buried in the flesh the sharp point, pressed down the tiny piston, and dropped back, sinking into the velvet-covered chair and exhaling a long sigh of satisfaction.

Three times a day for many months had I witnessed such an operation, but the practice had failed to get my soul agreed to this. On the contrary, from day to day I was increasingly irritated the show, and every night my conscience felt indignant at the thought that I had had the courage to protest. Again and again I had put on record my promise to tell everything he thought about the matter, but the cool and carefree ways my companion had something which made him the last man with whom one feels like taking anything that looks like freedom ... that afternoon I had a sudden feeling that he could not stand it any longer, and asked:

- What happened today: morphine or cocaine? ...

-Cocaine, solution to seven percent. "We appeal to you try it?

"No way" I said sharply. My constitution has not fully recovered yet the Afghanistan campaign. I can not afford the stress subjected to any abnormal ...

"Maybe you're right, Watson. I guess the influence of this is physically harmful. However, I find that stimulates and clears the brain of so momentous, that I find passenger side effects.

- Think you! "I said sharply. Estimate the cost to finds it! Maybe your brain moving again and get excited, as you claim, but it is by a pathologic process and morbid, which results in increased tissue change and could lead to permanent weakness after ... Why take the risk of losing those great powers you is gifted? Keep in mind that I speak not only of comrade to comrade, but a doctor to a person whose physical condition is, to some extent, responsible ...

My brain is rebelling against stagnation. You provide me problems, provide me work, give me the most abstruse of cryptograms, or the most intricate analysis, and then I am in my own atmosphere. I can dispense with artificial stimulants. But I abhor the dull routine of life. I hunger for mental exaltation. That is why I chose this profession to which I dedicate ...

Sherlock Holmes.
The Sign of Four, Arthur Conan Doyle.