Friday, December 31, 2010

Instrutions To Masterbate

One year we left behind and tooooodo one year to discover ...
I want and I hope it's wonderful

this is me (in my small) and I wish you a ...
Happy 2011 Dear Friends, @ s @ s

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Lewis Structures Of Clf2

My wish for Christmas ... Doll

I wish with all my heart that you spend a very very sweet feasts
and even a topic ...

Health, Love, Peace and Happiness
for everyone s because that is what really needed

strong veeeeery kiss!

Take my Christmas greetings to your blog with my best wishes

Monday, December 13, 2010

Muslim Walima Wording Invitations

This weekend we went to meet the new baby of a friend, seeing a baby around, having it in your arms, hold her hand ... causes me lots of feelings of tenderness, I remember when mine were like that ... and why not say ... :-) envy ... because I love babies!

and I am convinced that there is no better gift than that which is done with bare hands, because it is from the heart ...

hope you liked the doll squishy Eva
of course ... color is pink


Saturday, December 11, 2010

What P90x Dvd Do I Watch First

squishy black color is ... Bold

the wool and stone

two poles ... that attract
because the stone is cold ...
because wool is warm . ..

and color BLACK ...
because black is very appealing ... and it's timeless ...
as stone
I wish you a great weekend

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

How To Writing A Letter Of Completion

The brooch pin hair

Still experimenting ... and looking BROOCHES different ...
's the beauty of the "prototypes"
ja ja ja ja ja

the face is colored with black wool and hair

esta última foto la he hecho para que veáis el tamaño, es un broche bastante grande ... 
aunque yo tengo la mano pequeñita!

besos y feliz miércoles!

P.D. Hoy es 1 de diciembre, me entanta el mes de la NAVIDAD!!!!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Radeon R96 Sterowniki

 Para las más COQUETAS ...

... to put some outfits with lilac and blue

Kisses and ...
nice week!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Psychometric Test Revision For Cruise Ship

closely with Dr. yetattore. -------------------------------------------

The other day I had read some of Ortega y Gasset, had never read anything about him and I was thinking about something said in a critique that the social sciences, to take the exact thinking: "a similar situation in time, the same historical results. " At least the position of Ortega y Gasset is a good reason for putting mental
my fear.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Happy Birthday Dad In Bubble Writing

charismatic leaders with gifts for redistribution.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Poem About Chicken Pox

These things look good , but changed his mind after a while. My neighbor

I could have tried something with Sabri, if I could ignore this gesture, which reminded me of an aunt and the aunt who remember that time that I have about seven years and seeing the film Camila (that you cut the head the priest, which traumatized me for years), hugged me and I was smelling her armpit odor with plenty of onions.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Whatever Happened To A Place In Greece?

garca fat.

A while ago I came to put the points to my neighbor, sell cars, eat barbecue every other day, shit to stick to a dog that is, he shouts to the children and sees Tinelli. "Bring the silver
gorrrdo puto!
-dale went out to give the scammer fat face! Giles shouted
about thirty to forty as they descended from a metallic blue Renault 18.
10 minutes of crying and left, kicked the fence, all the barking dogs on the block, police on the road.
garca It's karma, every so often a fool goes and kicks the fence, until he plays a not so stupid. A survivor a thousand battles this fat, told me that he worked for the magazine windshield, showed me photos, I never said I did. After he lost his job and now sells cars online, as it claims to have contacts in your time of Parabrisas.Un neighborhood garca pure, nice, Menem in nature.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Women At 50 With Big Boobs


The shape forming, and shaping the form, and it is formed, form and shape to be formed.
Paulo Freire. (A pleasure to read).

Monday, April 5, 2010

Mera Naam Joker Simi Scene


young boy that flash with the ants, the stare at me when they make these paths in the grass, and are seen to pass with pieces of paper, sometimes in various colors. Enter through holes in the ground to a city underground, I think most incredible that there can be, I always ask if I have that way of life because someone forces or do so by mutual agreement. Habra
any dictatorial government or ruling caste that forces them to work in an organized manner? In honeybees are the queen, drones and workers, but the ants do not know much. Are Peronist.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

What Trowel To Use For Tiling Shower Walls

Good intentions.

There is no better drug to relax and have fun, and oft is cliché, but it's true. Like any cagadita
I'm going to send more before hanging up his boots.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

What Knicker Style To Wear To A Hollywood Wax

  • One says what it says, but does not say what he thinks. Mirrors do not reflect
    : transparent.
    Everything looks amazing from the front, but there.
    all comes back from behind and reality is invisible.
    As I see, I see, in what I see, I think,
    image points across a multiple presence
    intermittent throbbing heart, confusion
    and so I'm undecided, lost ...
    like you, who are you, like me, who am I?

    mirrors I spit it out, and into me propose transparencies
    distances and silences.
    This will have the things we pass every day, and well told
    seem fascinating and soulless.
    If you think nothing is what you see in the mirror.
    The big light is a chasm and a stupid mystery.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Congratulating An Ex On His Engagement

teeth. Balancing

a little while ago that the only thing I have wanted is the cessation of this shit asshole civilization to which we belong, including myself.
So good, I began a process of abandonment of codes and scruples, which will surely lead me to success.
to go all to hell once.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

How Should I Position My Desk Lamp Best?

left the planet for a while but I'm back ... With more energy than ever ... Wishing and hoping to see you again I remember ...

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Can I Herpes On My Nose


the kids were well, cool head, and so much laburar when Jodie, Jodie.
I first appeared at the house, I reckon it would be my first weekend in Fuengirola, I walk 3 miles of up and down to his house, arrived and was in the dining room together, smoking up some pebbles and combing While some gays dishes they had.
At first I was shocked, I have much cagazo to the market and do not accept that invited me, I was rather looking for Maria, which had not. Was all rock, the black Paul, public relations, a bowling alley in torremolinos, garchador of women who dream of life I could have, slept a few hours a day, ate almost nothing and the passing of good cheer. Were also Ger, Ezekiel and Calucho, homeowners, natives of Baradero, also nocturnal creatures, but more recently, until recently had been working on construction sites, which had made a good save mangoes were skating milonga of questionable quality.
Calucho, the most character of the three, dentist, always paranoid her hands into the pockets, I used to lose the bag (owned by all) at about 6 am, the first two times we believed him but when we knew it was to take it solo, but not the handle. After we finished in the trades of the day, a Muslim named Abdul or English as a named Chris, who ended up calling Dri-fit, who knows because turning our minds drugged.
the second weekend to be with them, my nose was a near vacuum, although I confess that among the market bad enough (as I discovered when I returned here) and the MDA, I chose the latter. The first night I was invited MDA, did not feel any effect, so the second attempt I write too, dawn the next day with swollen tendons in the hand by a continuous involuntary movement of opening and closing. I remember some after, at the home of the kids, the latest on everything I had taken LSD and was quite cheerful, he would be at 8 am and arrived Bean, a pseudo dj, who brought drugs usually more than records, in the same scene get to see girls of 18 years taking line after line, and up to a stripper in the area, such a Marilu, stripping the teats at the request of the girl, is in the moments I remember that and I am in the midst of some bottleneck in Pompeii with 35 degree heat, I can not believe I has returned. Also try to remember having seen me crying and thinking bent my mom was going to die away with me and balance.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Instructions For Making A Tin Foil Boat

A single sentence. Bi-bi

is not okay to break a heart, deja vu of what is to come ...

Monday, January 18, 2010

Timber Retaining Wall Ideas


If passed 15 minutes and my mood changed, I come from Ituzaingo, leaving the cell in a house of ill repute that repair. I attended a clone of that is the home of the Simpsons comics, but in a darker version, without a beard and long fingernails provided that caught attention, moved me inspired confidence, her attitude listless unkind and made you feel like I garque cagarlo arrangement with either pineapple. I'ma peaceful, but this guy that inspired me, feel like hitting his fofez extreme and black shirt with a faux dinujo dungeons and dragons took me out of proportion and on the other side made me feel better about myself.
I have full assurance that something will happen, I will leave with some to overcharge and there is going to be where the server will unload your pent-up anger of failure after failure and will use it for punching ball.
do not think I do, but anything is this, to fantasize and not go around screwing people with sticks.
on the previous post, I come from a week of smoking pot, going to the beach, take LSD and watch Kapanga, I would have changed everything for a beautiful and loving female company, I'm a maverick, I know, and there are people who really bad happens so apologize for.

Towable Lawn Vacuum And Mulcher

pure shit.

I hit anything, but nothing, flat, no emotion, no desire and no banking humorless. Blank. I'm missing something, something that makes everything else has grace, and was, I swell balls me hard, I do not want to be more alone, period. Cystic
I have something really gets the energy and desire to tackle something new, my self esteem is a water park slide and I do not bank much more of the same.
Whenever I feel like I remember that I can get on a plane and take my stick, at least it's better than thinking about the control tower blow. Because
shit like that Giles will not be full of ego, who only think about themselves and fucks that comes across? I want one for care and protection.
I'll get there in 15 minutes, thinks otherwise and delete this post.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

What Does Pain In The Rights Arm Mean

Panico and madness in New Atlantis.

hinge painted a trip, and luckily grabbed my well-equipped with everything necessary, I thought go with some friends but all are busy, and some are going to be there and I hope so good, I face alone, beautiful evening and I have no desire to stop me to take my guitar by not having the kit on board, but if any.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Funny One-liners About Chicken Pox

5 points and a season conclusion questionable.

-End to convince me that I'm not an idiot who does not deserve anything.
-Stop feeling alone even though this surrounded by loved ones. -Follow
feeling more than thinking.
-Power filter what I say.
-Stop being so whiny.
Some things contradict others, but it's what turns me on the head these days. We
many millions locked in a roundabout with no exit road, running in circles to believe that it will close one day, until one day they closed and we thought everything was overcome our fear of being open again let us be ourselves. Complaints