Tuesday, April 26, 2011

How Long Can Sushi Sit Out Without Going Bad

More bags ... More bread! Drawing II

and experimenting ...

... materials ...
and of course, more mats, natural raffia, little use as hot pads because they spoil quickly, but great for giving a new use ...

and have come to two conclusions, the first is that I'm like a goat (which some @ s and you knew) and the second conclusion is that everything, absolutely everything IS, okay .. . I am a danger, but would not you agree with me? let's see ... legs of trousers ... Bags, mats ... Bags, T-shirts ... Bags, it seems that lately I have been given for recycling ... and bags, ja ja ja ja ja

do not you think it's great for the summer?

Remember that I draw, and if you feel like FREE list, you're still in time


Monday, April 25, 2011

Marekting Letters To Doctors

Dear Friends, @ s @ s, here I am, doing my second spring in the blogosphere, and you do not see what it has cost me! ja ja ja ja ...

So, are you invite other toooood @ s @ s my party flowers

and to celebrate the use in the media ...

DRAW !!!!!

if you like this bag, you have until April 30 at 15:00 am to write down this entry, the only requirement is a resident in Spain, but if you like, you can advertise; , the winning number will match the last numbers of the draw of the ONCE April 30

Thank tooooodo for joining me during this time!
Big kiss

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Milena Velba In Underwear

Not a Goodbye ..

but an up forever ....

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Brewer’s Yeast Acne

May this Holy Week and Easter this new life we \u200b\u200bwill not pass as a more .. but in it we find the reason of life .. peace within .. The way ahead is full of light and with good people on our side ...
.. Happy Easter to all
Buona Pasqua a tutti .. Joyeuses Pâques à tous
Happy Easter to all .. Frohe Ostern für alle
חג פסחא שמח לכל

Stomach Spasms When Empty

years old is enough!!

Well, loaf is good ... that's not me, dammit!
I'm a restless ass!

so I'll give air and joy to the blog, which
badly needed
and what better way to prepare a new DRAW
for the day April 23 fulfill 2 years old in the blogosphere
and how many things have Last ... I told you here

been very attentive @ s. ..
I am preparing the gift


Sunday, April 17, 2011

Dongle Emulator Cubase 3 Sx Mac

Easter Happy Easter ...

Palm Sunday today .. we prepare to live Holy Week .. is a week that often only use it to rest ... but we should also take these days off to ponder .. about us and within us .. would have to take to get closer to God .. to meet Him ... .. in order to convey love .. others .. In these days of prayer ... will try that the Lord guide my way .. and help me in this new Easter ... in this new resurrection .. Let us that acting like water in our being .. cleaning up our soul ..

Friday, April 15, 2011

Slogan For Landscaping Company

If ... you see

If you see a person disoriented .. .. lost .. You are quiet ..? Do you look at Another course? Or you try to come to ... Think it ¡¡¡... you know how your heart is ..

Thursday, April 14, 2011

What My Kundli Says About My Marriage

It Was Time for reflection .. Deep sadness .... Adios

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Asking People To Be Tickle You

Raccoon ... Noooooooooooo

Today Raccoon departed the world of the rainbow .. the world of dreams .. my heart is aching and at the same time in peace and full of love and deep yellow eyes .. do not cry for her because I know that these 11 years who lived alone did .. with love .. and was happy for me .. I cry for the loss of his presence in my life ... and those eyes will not see yellow .. I will miss friends ... I feel that every day is loneliness won his battle ..... My grandmother always said "The bad thing ... to make you grow big ... is that you're losing the things you love ... how true ....
Raccoon ... Mapachito ... thanks for these years of love .. fellowship .. A thank God for having put in my life ... It is now next to Anibal .. Moises .. Titi ... to be playing and chasing butterflies .. agagrrar the rainbow ... I love them all .. from the bottom of my heart .. left a auguerto Everyone in my heart .. loving ..

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Comments In Arabic For Condolence


not understand ...
not understand .................. I'll be very naive
not know .................
.................. NOT UNDERSTAND .... NO ..................... UNDERSTAND best refuge in silence ...

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

What Should An Employer Do For A Scabies Outbreak

spiritual ... Movement

PD. Continue down. If the birth begin this month will be in December, very significant. Adoption

spiritual an unborn child
Miori Monsignor Andrew told us about the adoption of children by birth and gave us instructions for those who wish to do so. These are the instructions:

of everyone's life is a gift from God. Annually in the world are at least 50 million abortions. Before the genocide, spiritual adoption is revealed as very effective in protecting conceived child to be born. It is a commitment of prayer for a child in the womb. One prays every day for the life of that child, to respect their right to life, to be spared from abortion. Prayer is the most powerful weapon. Steps
1 - When you decide to start with the adoption, noting the date and accounts 9 months, the time of pregnancy, during which he will pray for the girl or boy that the Lord has chosen to adopt.
2 - During the 9 months of gestation that child ten pray the Rosary and the sentence of adoption for that child is born:
3 - do not choose the adoptive child, but God gives you in adopting a child that somewhere in the world has been conceived that day.
4 - After the Spiritual Adoption, you can start again, also for 9 months.
5 - Invite other people to make the same commitment.

We ask you to make the Spiritual Adoption and to disseminate it. We are confident that the child which are spiritual fathers, by Grace of God through our prayer, born, and thus save a human life. THANKS



Greek Myth Allusions Romeo And Juliet

be a surprise? Gradually

think ... not anymore!

... because I told him I was going to do ...
(why I can not hide a gift, even before you do it?)

well, the truth is that what I said is that it would make a bag ,
but the rest is a surprise ...
oh no no, because it was she who little by little I've done assortment of fabrics ...
and I guess that recalls ...
(from here I send a kiss)

then, it will surprise ...
... Maybe, because the detail is not known, although we both know you prefer the sling ... ay Wow, that will not be a surprise ... :-(

already vaaaaale not be a surprise ... but I hope you like!

and you too ...

addition, there is a bag either ... it's like two bags, for both front and back has a personality.

Have a nice day!
although cloudy dawn, when you least expect sunrise


Sunday, April 3, 2011

What To Say In Your Boss's Birthday Card

Poruqe there are men and women who prefer to walk to be quiet ??????

The move is the best cure for melancholy ... So if you keep walking alone .. everything will be alright ... (Tuareg )

Friday, April 1, 2011

Checklist Soul Silver

April ..

Here I leave this sentence in San Agustin ...
"If you know a person not ask him, what he thinks ... but what he loves ..."

In meeting with these words I I said that truth .. how right he is ... because many times people are not honest with your answers .. say what they think you want to hear .. but if you look at their actions .. the things they love ... the guise of sheep there vanishes ... and so will know the true person .. Grandma always said no Farruca coax you for what you say .. but for what they do .. and as act ...
friends with a beautiful month of April .. a beautiful spring .. and a warm autumn ...